View Profile HourglassStudios

40 Movie Reviews

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This flash has more style than I've anything on Newgrounds I've seen in a really long time. It's sort of like an interpretive dance, it can mean anything to anyone. I thought the sound track was awesome as well. Anyways, this is a really great change of pace, keep it up!

Nicely done

I actually thought this was going to be about the fight he had against Brock...lol, he only won because the fire sprinklers went off, that should have been illegal.

Anyways, I'm extremely impressed you managed to pull this off in 15 hours, considering how much movement there is. The special effects look fantastic, and it's obvious you've done plenty of computer art to get to this level of skill.

That being said, it seems like it's missing something...I don't know what it is, but maybe you can find it...anyways, good job, keep it up!


I remember my dad telling me that joke every now and then...great job recreating my childhood!

I think the moral of this story is clear...

Owls are awesome and beavers are stupid. Anybody who disagrees with me is disagreeing with the TRUTH! And Simon is a beaver. Yeah.


The ending was a little too obvious for me...nice preloader and title page, though.

Japan wins...

at everything. Seriously! 4.72!! That's gotta be the highest score ever recorded on NG! Deserves it too! I guess that goes to show that some things just can't top charm. Brilliant, if simple, animation, too. My only suggestion is that the movie might look better on a higher frame rate, so you might wanna mess around with that.

Even better then the first.

Top notch voice acting too! Some of the characters sounded nearly IDENTICAL to their counterparts! (ash, Ima lookin at you!) Still hilarious...I'd tell you to keep it up and make another, but...yeah...

Well, time to put this on Youtube!


Wow...this thing got off to a rocky start (not the factory scene, which I liked, the director/eyepatchman conversation), but after sitting through the entire thing, I can safely say that this thing rocks the socks. Really, really well done. The highlight for me was the arcade scene. Lots of funny jokes there, and some really nice music as well. Great job with that, too, btw, I really liked the pop-techno feeling you gave your flash. Congrats on getting your front page!

Oh yeah, and also, do they really have arcades in the UK/Britain/London/England wherever you're from? Or ANYWHERE?

eddsworld responds:

Of course they have arcades here! The London Namco station is my favourite local :D


He stained his tux.

Mikael Here. Nowheresville: ep 1 is coming! I need to edit the voice-overs, and draw some backgrounds, but it's coming together! Expect more updates soon!

Mikael Myggen @HourglassStudios

Age 33, Male

I go to school.


Joined on 5/21/07

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