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Mikael Here. Nowheresville: ep 1 is coming! I need to edit the voice-overs, and draw some backgrounds, but it's coming together! Expect more updates soon!

Mikael Myggen @HourglassStudios

Age 33, Male

I go to school.


Joined on 5/21/07

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630 / 710
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I don't really have much to say here. It's summer. Most of us are guilty we're not doing more with our free time. Others don't care, they sleep in until 1:00 and watch TV until they get bored for three months. Well, I'm happy to say that I am actually doing some work over the summer! No, not the kind of work that's actually productive and profitable, like a job or something, no, I'm talking about FLASH WORK. Yes, making flashes IS work.

I keep going over to my mom's house, and she says nearly every week: "So, how much animation did you get done? 2, 3 minutes?", and I laugh as usual and reply: "13 seconds". People underestimate how long it takes to make flash on a regular basis. See, being a (nearly) one man team, I've got to write a script, get voice-overs, draw the characters and backgrounds and menus and effects, animate everything, find music and sound effects that fit, lip-sync everything, and do it all in a clever and interesting way. So, yeah, it's a good bit of work.

Actually, I'm not really sure why I'm writing this. As of right now I don't have too many fans, so...whatever.

And by the way, I can't completely spill the beans on what I'm working on, but I'll give you a teaser: It's got pancakes and waffles. And it totally rocks.

Reply if you like, or don't. See if I care.


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